Natural Healing Help for Pets & Animal Companions

Most of us graced with the presence of animal friends in our lives are never left untouched by the abundance of joy they bring. They teach us so much - in our homes, in working relationships, in nature - who's to say that's not one of their main purposes in life? Maybe it's not a coincidence that Sirius (the Dog Star) is the brightest star in our night sky ;-)

ENERGY ARBOR Healing Help for Pets & Animal Companions is a concierge service of natural healing, health and well-being for the beloved animals in your life.

Animals are incredibly responsive to healing with the natural intelligence of their bodies because they are so unconditional, receptive and instinctively sensitive. 

This makes them easy to work with because they don't suffer from the same self-imposed inhibitions and resistances that people experience.


Most people would do absolutely anything for their pets and animal companions. The suffering of animals often moves people more than the suffering of other humans.

If your animal companion is experiencing chronic, situational or acute health and wellness issues, there is hope to help alleviate their suffering and improve quality of life alongside clinical and medicinal care with natural healing.

We are all - animals included - made of energy. The energetic anatomy is what shapes and induces physical, emotional and psychological-behavioral symptoms, and it is where the true causes of conditions source. The natural energy intelligence of animals' bodies can do amazing things when supported by a highly skilled and exceptionally perceptive healer with deep expertise and mastery of energetic anatomy, the science of energies and accurate sensing and observation beyond the physical.

I work with the various fields, pathways and centers of your pet's or animal companion's energetic anatomy to address the causes and effects of health conditions or to support ongoing well-being if health maintenance is your point of focus. Customized and aligned to each animal's unique energetic profile, this healing and support work includes decongesting and freeing energies where needed, strengthening and bringing more substance of energy where needed, and directing reconstructive energy to specific affected areas where needed. I work both in-person and fully remotely from a distance to serve animals around the world. The healing is generally no-touch, although some animals benefit from physical contact to facilitate the work. I can work with the full range of physical issues, as well as emotional and psychological-behavioral issues. For overall well-being, lifestyle and health maintenance, I offer and recommend our Monthly Well-Being Tune-Up.

Energy Arbor's expertise is uniquely insightful, rigorous and systematic, as well as deeply compassionate and connective through our practice and livingness of sacred salutation to all lives. In our healing, the human stewards of beloved pets and animal companions often discover as much about themselves as they do about their animal friends, and even deeper bonds are forged in the human-animal relationships through the healing experience.

As a lover of all animals, Energy Arbor's healing service is available for all species: domestic and working animal companions, large animals, small animals, aquatic animals, reptiles, amphibians and insects.

For plant-based human stewards of animals, you can rest assured that your animal kin are in compassionate healing hands as I have lived fully plant-based for the majority of my adult life. 

Because of living a fully plant-based life, this healing service is not available for animals raised for agricultural or bait purposes, except for those who no longer live agricultural lives after being transitioned into sanctuaries.

That said, Energy Arbor's Healing Help for Animals is a no-judgment zone of acceptance with regards to human choices in dietary and recreational lifestyle.

Book Your Initial Free Consult & Care Program Conversation

Call or text to +1-832-928-8837 or submit the form below with a description of your pet's or animal companion's health issue(s) or wellness maintenance goals.

Initial consults can be online via Zoom, by phone or in-person in the Chicago/Evanston/North Shore region. Please indicate which mode of consult communication you prefer in the form below.

Once a healing program is engaged for your animal friend, sessions can be fully remote, online via Zoom, by phone or in-person in the Chicago/Evanston/North Shore region or in other national and international regions with travel expenses covered by the client.

The following program formats are available:


Animal-lover & Energy Arbor Healing Help for Animals founder-healer, JC Wayne, with Ghost, beloved neighborhood service canine companion

From my earliest days, I always had a sense that I was one with nature and all of its inhabitants.

My first and best friend until I was 12 years old was a giant Newfoundland dog who was born around the same time I was and rode around with me in my baby carriage as a huge, black pup. His fancy-bred name was Woolly Bear of Runnymede, but we affectionately called him 'Normous Cow (because he let me ride him) and Newf. As a gentle giant, he was the embodiment of unconditional love. My parents even realized that the odd behavior he displayed when I was about 2 years old of running over and gently knocking me down each time I approached the sand baselines of the baseball field near our house was because he thought the sand was water and he was doing the job that was his purpose of saving a person from drowning.

At 5, I started a daily life of being around horses, both on the ground and under saddle. As a fearless prodigy who demonstrated a preternatural touch and instant connection with any horse I met, I was very early in life tasked with stewarding and riding horses that were much larger for me than my size and that others were afraid of and wouldn't go near. Before I had any vocabulary of healing, I had a healing touch and a sensitive psychic connection of trust with horses, and I always seemed to end up with the school horses who had found their way to my stable after injury or with severe chronic conditions like spavins and navicular.

As a competition rider in Jumpers, then Hunter Pace and finally 3-Day Eventing, I was never allowed to ski. As an adult, just under a decade after my last riding competition, I experienced a life-changing ski accident that set me on my course to natural healing with energies. This was not a course I ever expected to take in the midst of a somewhat traditional early professional path through dual Ivy League undergraduate and graduate degrees, long-range strategic forecasting and research as a futurist, author and editor-in-chief of an international magazine.

My first healing was my Internet consulting business partner's beloved and aged Black Lab, who was diagnosed with cancer literally all throughout his body, including the brain and bones. The vet wanted to euthanize the Lab immediately, but my partner (a tough Irish-American Detroit cop before getting into event planning for the medical industry) asked me to try my 'woo-woo healing thing' with his dog. I did one in-person healing the day after the vet's initial diagnosis, and a few days later when the vet saw the Lab again and ran additional tests, she was mystified: There was no sign of cancer at all. And my partner's Lab went on to live many healthy years after that.

My next healing was an injured racehorse who had just been retired after the injury. His elderly owner asked me if I could stable him over the winter as a favor since she was not physically able to attend to him. I agreed, and in addition to the daily stabling care, I decided to experiment with natural energy healing for his shattered leg. His progress was incredible. It was thought that he would never walk, let alone trot or canter, properly again. But in just a month of daily care of applying energies on the ground, on a lunge line and eventually under gentle saddle, his flexion, range and gait were restored much more rapidly than with clinical veterinary care alone. And I discovered thanks to my new awareness of energy anatomy and the energetics of physical conditions that when under saddle, I could think of where I wanted to go, and the horse would move that way before I even issued the typical guiding physical instructions through small shifts in my body.

Every healing since then over the past 25 years has produced some rapid and tangible result. Energy Arbor doesn't promise that every condition can be healed, nor does it discourage the miracles of veterinary science and clinical care, but in partnership and sacred salutation with your animal kin, Energy Arbor healing can substantially contribute to alleviating pain and discomfort; reducing physical, emotional and/or psychological-behavioral symptoms; supporting more rapid recovery from surgical procedures; minimizing the need for medications; enhancing overall well-being and quality of living; and aiding in peaceful transition at that sacred moment when an animal passes on from physical life.

"Most of us would do anything for our beloved pets and animal companions. Energy Arbor is here to help the animals in your life live their best lives of health, wellness, happiness and well-being."
- JC, Founder & Healer

Energy Arbor Natural Healing Help for Pets & Animal Companions

Chicago/Evanston/North Shore region
Available for in-person in other regions with travel covered by client



Energy Arbor makes no medical or clinical claims in our healing service, which simply supports animals' own innate health and capacities to heal. It does not claim to replace clinical care, and we salute and advocate the expertise and work of veterinarians in caring for your pet's or animal companion's health, especially for acute, life-changing and deeply chronic conditions.